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Solid Transfer Technology

Dispo Solid Transfer

Transferring materials in the solid state has been a challenge for automation for years. Transfer of solid samples with a wide range of properties has proven even more difficult. To further complicate matters, many experiments require sample mass in the microgram range. BioDot's Dispo solid transfer technology provides the ideal solution to these challenges.

By coupling a pneumatically actuated z-axis with a cylindrical probe containing a motorized plunger, which is adjusted according to the desired mass, precise amounts of an array of powder types can be aliquoted. The pneumatic action sends the probe down into the source powder, compacting it into the cavity of the probe. With air pressure as the probe's driving force, the amount transferred will remain equivalent even as the source progressively decreases to minimal levels. To dispense, the plunger is lowered down the shaft, thus displacing the powder into a target vial or tray. Air pressure, probe size, and transfer mechanism may be optimized accordingly based on a compound's specific properties.

Key Benefits:

  • Works with as little as 50 mg of starting material
  • Mass dispense range of 100 ug to 20 mg.
  • Non-vibratory operation prevents segregation effects.