949.440.36852852 Alton Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92606
AD1500 Aspirate and Dispense Platform (motor X, Y and Z-axes), One Nest Choice, AxSys Software Control, PC Control Workstation
Dispenser Choices | BioJet Plus Parallel Silicon Pins (Pin Head w/tool kit and 1 Pin 75µm) Parallel Silicon Pins, 75µm |
Nest Choices | Positon Microplate Portrait Nest (default w/system) Vac/Magnetic Holddown Glass Slide Nest Humidity Control Option |
An overhead gantry XYZ system with stationary mechanical nest (300 mm x 600 mm), chassis and PC controller.
An overhead gantry XYZ system with stationary mechanical nest (600 mm x 600 mm), chassis and PC controller.